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Thu, 08 Dec 2016:
    21:55 CET [389] [history] -  contact → AliOli [updated profile pages]
    21:36 CET [388] [history] -  links → AliOli
    21:36 CET [387] [history] -  QuoteStore → AliOli [finally got the whole Barry Smith quote]

Thu, 12 Nov 2015:
    15:29 CET [386] [history] -  publications → AliOli [Added ERD' 14 paper]

Thu, 22 Oct 2015:
    21:39 CEST [384] [history] -  AdaptationWiki → AliOli [no comment]

Fri, 20 Mar 2015:
    16:40 CET [383] [history] -  CV → AliOli [update last 12 months; shortened]

Fri, 31 Oct 2014:
    21:24 CET [379] [history] -  reading → AliOli [outdated]

Sat, 12 Oct 2013:
    02:03 CEST [372] [history] -  home → AliOli [added currently working on]

Thu, 02 May 2013:
    14:42 CEST [356] [history] -  DevIDE → AliOli [too much spam]

Sat, 27 Oct 2012:
    14:27 CEST [353] [history] -  SeriousGaming → AliOli [ready for grading]

Thu, 11 Oct 2012:
    01:58 CEST [351] [history] -  GameMechanicsEssay → AliOli [added link to gameplay video]

Wed, 19 Sep 2012:
    12:32 CEST [326] [history] -  ProjectUtopia → AliOli [added emphasis]

Fri, 13 Jul 2012:
    12:32 CEST [319] [history] -  InnovationNetworks → AliOli

Fri, 29 Jun 2012:
    12:04 CEST [315] [history] -  TechnologicalMedia → AliOli [provocation/direction]

Tue, 26 Jun 2012:
    14:41 CEST [305] [history] -  about → AliOli

Fri, 16 Mar 2012:
    23:03 CET [291] [history] -  WaterPollutionMyceliumSolution → AliOli [Fixed citation Zwart (2005)]

Wed, 18 May 2011:
    14:10 CEST [241] [history] -  NelloreFeedback → AliOli [breadcrumb]

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