I first decided to make Olieman.net based on the need to communicate what I am currently working on, and what I have worked on in the past. As I grew more and more frustrated about having all my (personal) information strewn all over the Web, the website began incorporating more personal elements as well. It will by no means ever be a complete view of who I am and what I do. In short: I use Olieman.net to publish stuff that can be effectively communicated with current web technology. New content is usually added when I want to communicate something about myself, don't see harm in making it public, and don't see why I should give this information to some masked entity in a format that is usually more convenient for them than it is for me.
Open Standards are essential in order to use the internet effectively. Although any development of this website may be messy at first, I will always try to fit my content within existing standards eventually. At the moment this is still limited to markup standards, but I plan on using whatever I can from the bundle of exiting information standards that are in general referred to as Semantic Web. I want the Web to be less ambiguous. People should be able to query for facts (as opposed to search) about me that I have published myself.
Everything that I have created and posted to this website is © Alexander M. Olieman. I see no reason to release stuff that I write about myself or what I do under an open license. If you however want to republish something that you find here, I will probably give you the permission to do so. Just ask! If you happen to know about transclusion and transcopyright, go ahead and consider this site trans©. You can access the raw version of this page like this.Some content that is visible on this website (such as inline videos) are not actually published here. Refer to the original source for information about copyrights and licensing.
- Many ideas about how I would manage this website came from looking at Dario Taraborelli's personal site. The resemblance will probably be clear. I use some of his CSS (cc-by-sa) and use WikkaWiki (which is co-developed by him) as a CMS.
- Thanks to Soqapos for being a very helpful host.
- A sincere thank you to anyone who has contributed to one of the many Open Source Software projects that have been instrumental in running this website and many of my other daily activities!